Saturday, October 11, 2014

Dry Skin

As the title above suggests, Georgie has dry skin.  I noticed it ages ago but then it quickly got a lot worse once the weather changed and we started using soap to bathe her.  I probably should have realized this might be coming as babies obviously have very delicate skin and on top of that her dad has dermotographia and her mom has keratosis (which by the way has gotten dramatically worse on my legs since giving birth... wtf?).
I also get notoriously dry skin and am terrrrriiibbbllle about moisturizing. Now is my chance to turn around Georgie's skin fortune though!  Teach her the good grooming habits that her gross mother never adopted.  I first noticed the dry skin on G when we went to brunch and I met another baby with THE SOFTEST SKIN EVER!  I asked about it and his dad said that his mom rubbed him down iwht olive oil after every bath.  It made the baby's skin soft and fattened him up when he would suck on his hands. Double win!
I started combating the dry skin with coconut oil.  This treatment was recommended to me by our nanny.  I happened to have some on hand thanks to one of my sister's best friend who claims to use and believe in the power of coconut oil in the same fashion that the dad in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding," uses Windex.  Rash? Coconut oil! Cracked nipple? Coconut oil!  Gaping wound? Coconut oil! Actually, maybe I should try it on my keratosis.
I started to rub our little girl down daily with the coconut oil on her arms and legs.  It seemed to keep the patches on her arms from getting worse but her legs seemed to be getting even scalier.  I decided to supplement with olive oil.  Again, this seems to have had no impact on her poor little legs.
Yesterday, we pulled out the big guns.  We have started using my Windex cure all, Aquaphor Baby.  I say we because I am asking the nanny to do one coat in the morning and then I give her a good rub down in the afternoon.We still put just coconut oil and olive oil on her arms still. That way when she is sucking on those flying sausage monsters, she is only consuming some all natural fatty goodness.  But her legs get a good dose of that miracle ointment.  This morning, it seems to have somewhat of an impact, so we will keep this up for a while.
All that said, I have to say, giving Georgie her rub down is awesome.  She gets so cute and really seems to enjoy the massage.  I normally rub her arms and legs down for about half an hour and she is all squirmy and cooing.  While she does not talk, I feel like we are having a conversation and she is saying how good she feels.  It does worry me that the dry sking might be bothering her since the rub down does appear to provide "relife." but maybe I am misinterpreting this and she just really likes the massage.  Anyway, I will let you know how it goes and if we ever reach success.  In the meantime, I am inclined to stop using the soap and limit how much we are bathing her to help with this.

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